What can I take away?
K-New Media relies on Jedox and bdg for more efficiency in online marketing
High-quality planning and reliable reporting are important success factors, especially in the very dynamic online marketing environment. Business intelligence and corporate performance management solutions can make a big contribution here. Nevertheless, many companies still rely on manual and thus time-consuming and error-prone reporting, planning and forecasting processes.
K-New Media, the full-service agency of the KLiNGEL Group for the entire online marketing spectrum, faced this problem. The main objectives of the project on BI-based online marketing with bdg were to increase the efficiency and transparency of online marketing planning, budget allocation at channel level, the use of extended reporting functionalities as well as possibilities to derive cause-effect chains to improve the control of online marketing activities. The manual effort in planning and reporting in online marketing was to be reduced and the quality of input data improved. At the same time, the focus was on usability and user-friendliness.
Together with bdg, K-New Media developed a concept for modelling and implementing a performance management and business intelligence solution with Jedox that combines all the aspects mentioned and is easy and intuitive to use despite the required complexity.
As part of the BI project, bdg built complex ETL routes to integrate all relevant information from the group's Oracle database. Media costs were also integrated into Jedox. Thus, for the first time, a system was created that provides turnover as well as cost information and thus serves as a single point of truth for planning and reporting.
One of the greatest advantages of the introduced planning solution is the automated allocation of top-down budgets, which provides valuable orientation for the channel managers and reduces the susceptibility to errors. The use of pre-fillable templates also contributed to a significant reduction in error-proneness. BI-based online marketing also offers the advantage of immediate evaluability of entered data. This means that any inconsistencies in the planning can be promptly uncovered and corrected. In reporting, K-New Media is now in a position, thanks to the implemented BI solution, to create high-quality reports for the many different stakeholders quickly and in line with the target group. BI-based online marketing thus also improves the company's steering ability.