Workforce planning with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) - SAP's planning software - has the potential to accelerate much of your classic HR processes. As SAP's own software, Analytics Cloud integrates perfectly with all SAP-supported systems. It is also one of the most powerful and user-friendly planning tools on the market. A real quality product.
- Complete integration of all areas and 360° overview
- Excellent coworking functions
- AI-assisted analyses and indications
- Forecasts and simulations on a whole new level

decide on the basis of data
Once fully integrated, SAP Analytics Cloud can pull an incredible amount of analytics data from your system. State-of-the-art AI algorithms and machine learning systems are used for processing, using outsider and cohort analyses (and other scientific evaluation methods) to organise data and present it on clear dashboards - the perfect basis for deriving actionable insights.

HR-Planning with SAP SAC
Live-Demo: This awaits you
Integration in SAP
As SAP's own software, the Analytics Cloud is naturally predestined for SAP-supported system landscapes. We show you the biggest advantages and discuss how best to integrate SAC.
Sample plan
What better way to introduce the tool? We plan a classic HR process in bdg's SAC-based HR application and show you what is possible with digital HR planning.
Parameters and Simulations
We show you how to design planning parameters in the Analytics Cloud based on your corporate strategy and use them as a basis for detailed HR forecasts and scenario simulations.
The supreme discipline of SAC - together we look at the finer points of the analysis methods and the associated dashboards and generate an HR report at the level of detail of your choice.